Technology Coupons for small and very small businesses in the Central Macedonia Region

The sole proprietorship of Emmanuela Alevizopoulos, based in the Central Macedonia Region, joined the action "Technology Vouchers for the small and very small businesses of the Central Macedonia Region".
The action aims to strengthen micro and small businesses, through the purchase of innovative ICT applications, to strengthen the ICT application arm, as a key supporting technology, to achieve improvements in terms of productivity and promotions.
The total investment budget is €13,000, of which the public expenditure amounts to €13,000 and is co-financed by Greece and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU) within the Operational Program "Central Macedonia" 2014- 2020.
The business plan that was approved for financing and is being implemented includes investments in the following categories:
🗸 ICT equipment
🗸 Software
🗸 Intangible Expenses
Through participation in the Action, the business achieved:
🗸 its digital development
🗸 the improvement of its daily processes
🗸 ensuring the highest quality products & services